Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mr. X

Malcolm X

     Malcolm X, born Malcolm Little, was an icon in his time.  He was one of the most influential figures of the 50s and 60s up until his death in 1965.  Even though he held such influence on the african population in America he himself was admittedly incorrect in some of his early beliefs which brought him such fame.
     Malcolm sprang from a poverty stricken beginning in Nebraska after the death of his father past away and his mother sent him to be bought up in a white foster home.  After droppin out of school he relocated to a ghetto in boston and was arrested after getting mixed into dealing and prostitution circles. During his time being incarcerated Malcolm Little decided to become a muslim and rename himself Malcolm X to signify he was disassociation with the white man's name passed down to him through his enslaved ancestors.
     In his early years Malcolm X was a fervent supporter of complete separation of the races and violence to meet violence done.  Once he stated how blacks should "by any means necessary  strive for what they justly deserve.  He was quickly recognized by the NOI (Nation of Islam) and assigned to be a high ranked spokesperson for the group most likely due to his adept skill in communication. After some disagreements and insubordination associated with the Kennedy assassination he decided to leave the group due to differences in belief.
Malcolm X 1965 (after journey to Mecca)
     After his journey to the holy city of Mecca, practiced by many of the islamic faith, Malcolm X experienced a transformation in philosophy. He refuted his earlier idea of a singular solution to the race problem, that being total separate state for African Americans, and accepted a new idea more closely related to Martin Luther King Jr.'s suggestion of integration of the races. In an interview on CBC Malcolm X spoke of how on his travels in the Middle east he came across a sense of brotherhood felt throughout the region. This same feeling he wish upon America at his return. This shows how after his haj he realized that his earlier belief in complete separation of the races was not the only solution as he previously preached with passion.
Kaaba in Mecca
     Many articles are focused on Malcolm X's desire to separate however he only held this view during his early years closer to his release from prison and before the haj to Mecca. He had experienced a metamorphosis of belief on his haj and noble accepted how he was incorrect in his earlier beliefs. Not only did he bring back a new beard, he did what was so very difficult for many whites of the time to do themselves. He altered his pronounced belief and accepted his earlier fault.
     Malcolm X was assassinated by members of the NOI in a ballroom at a rally of his admirers. A
possible cause for the assassination was the NOI did not like his growing influence on the black muslim community.  Tensions were high between the NOI and Malcolm X ever since he severed his affiliation with them as he stated on CBC, "When I began to doubt that he(Elija Muhammed) himself believed that that(the only solution was a separate state for black people) was feasible... then I turned in a different direction.", and accepted orthodox Islam and its view of brotherhood.
Malcolm X giving a speech
     Although after his haj Malcolm X more so embraced the idea of integration his views on violence to meet violence were as strong as ever. The belief that no one white or black should stand by and be harassed with no retaliation he held onto until the day he died. This idea may be construed through media and incomplete recollections to mean Malcolm X supported outright hate and violence toward the whites which he most definitely did not.
     Malcolm X was one of the most influential figures of his day.  Maybe his changing of his beliefs make him an even better role model showing how the bigger man accepts his faults.  His views on how to get equality for the black may have shifted drastically but his vision for a better life did not.
Malcolm X


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